© 2025 Yggdrasil wholeness – Designet af Aveo web&marketing
Our identities grow on the rim of knowing and not knowing; they are done and undone in the liminal spaces we visit on our inner journeys threaded in our odyssey with wholeness. The noble intent of a pilgrimage is always the same: change and growth, outer and inner transformation. It summons us to a practice of letting go and being in the present moment, surrendering to the sanctification of both time and place, the eternal blessing of the body, the consecration of our sovereign selfhood.
A pilgrimage is always a twofold journey, first outwards towards holy destinations so as to enact love and social justice, then inwards to know ourselves in wholeness, to connect deeply and intimately with the indwelling presence, to celebrate all our encounters with the sacred. Our pilgrimages of identity present us with numerous opportunities of putting on the cloak of the mystic so that we may realise that mysticism in none other than an inner pilgrimage.
In this workshop, guided by a curated sequence of words and music, we uncover the purpose and nature of a mystical pilgrimage beckoning us to mine the depths of the human experience.
We consider the necessary preparations when we set off on our odyssey with wholeness, following our highest invocation, which is to turn our hearts to the Divine and become instruments of a higher will.
We reflect on the spiritual practices of the pilgrimage, in particular those that open up the inditing heart so that we may speak the truths upwelling from the indwelling presence.
We gift ourselves with a poem praising the many splendours we have experienced along the journey, held in the guardianship of the unending power of love.
The Online Workshop takes place on Saturday 15 April 2023 at
Cost: 500,00 kr.
67 € – £ 60 – 74 US$ – 98 CAD$
To sign up, go to the Webshop and select the date of 15 April 2023. You can sign up until 12.00 (CET) on the day of the workshop. After payment you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to access the workshop.
The purpose of the workshop is threefold:
The workshop is designed to explore a place visited on our odyssey with wholeness. During the gathering, we bathe in sounds and resonances, ingest words and lyrics, play with colours and shades, juggle with shapes and forms, and tease out textures and grains. These playful games tantalise our senses, arouse our sensory faculties and, through an exquisite blends of words and music, entice us to a virtuosity of wordsmithing.
Basking in the imaginal realm draws forth our deepest feelings and crystalises our most precious thoughts so that our hearts may indite something of matter in whatever artform feels true to us.
Join me for an odyssey with wholeness falling upwards into nondual consciousness.
We will tell the story of a cosmology of wholeness where consciousness unfolds unto itself.
© 2025 Yggdrasil wholeness – Designet af Aveo web&marketing