Odysseys with Wholeness

Nicola Mary Christensen-Johnson

An Odyssey with Wholeness. An Archaeology of the Personality

is available to buy on Amazon either in paperback or hardcover. The ebook version will be available later this year.

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The first volume begins with a compilation of ‘Me Stories’ where I return to my childhood to trace the first appearances of certain aspects of the human experience. The archaeology takes the form of a conversation between the bewildered child, encountering these aspects for the first time, and the mature woman, at ease now with the raggedness of life, who has all the time in the world to listen to the extraordinary adventure of becoming fully human, so as to restore the flow of life where it has been stalled.

Table of Contents


Chapter One – Emanating Love

Chapter Two – Burning with Shame

Chapter Three – Disappearing into Mutism

Chapter Four – Battling with Terror

Chapter Five – Wrestling with Contempt

Chapter Six – Consenting to Grief

Chapter Seven – Colliding with Betrayal

Chapter Eight – Overcoming Mistrust

Scooping out the treasures of my archaeological excavations, I found myself joining the dots of the line of my life, gathering up the stones leading me back home. The pebbles on the path then became precious entry points ushering me towards wholeness, a falling upwards into unitive consciousness.




220 pages

70’000 words