© 2025 Yggdrasil wholeness – Designet af Aveo web&marketing
Based on the second volume of the Odyssey with Wholeness – Pathways to Selfhood, I join you on your odyssey with wholeness. Together, we walk on the shores of your life using the map I have designed for charting consciousness unfolding unto itself.
The accompaniment follows your progression from the egoic consciousness of the personality to the unitive consciousness upholding sovereign selfhood. It provides some insights and bearings for moving through the inner changes that you are being invited to receive and endorse.
The guided itinerary does not follow the movements in the same order as they are presented in the book. I chart the itinerary by listening to your questions, and whatever it is that you want to know at this time of your life, clearly and lovingly. My inner guidance then informs me of the specific course we are invited to take as we meander, together, on the pathways to wholeness.
Have a look at the map below to get a sense of the terrain explored. We might be invited to pause and reflect on one of the eight larger sweeping movements, and their relevant pathways, or we might be encouraged to dive into one of the inner movements for an in-depth exploration. Whatever the itinerary, we will take time to reflect on the qualities summoned and the capacities developed at any particular phase of the odyssey with wholeness.
Expanding into Wholeness is an itinerary composed of eight 60-minute online calls and/or in-person meetings based on a customised travel plan introducing you to the materials in Pathways to Selfhood.
Online calls are done on the videoconferencing platform Zoom. In-person meetings take place in my home on the island of Bornholm in Denmark, or elsewhere if I happen to be travelling and in your area.
The guided itinerary can be done alone or with a companion.
Let’s start with a complimentary 30-minute call to explore what is moving you towards wholeness. I am particularly interested in listening to the ways the materials presented in the pathways to selfhood can support you on your path of spiritual growth. Click on the button below: send me your request with a few options as to when we can meet. I’ll get back to you confirming a date and time, and provide you with a generic Zoom link.
After the exploratory call, the guided itinerary is confirmed after payment. I issue you with a personal Zoom link and we then plan the sessions. I highly recommend that we settle for a structured approach providing you with the appropriate accompaniment for your customised odyssey: meeting on the same day and time, and at regular intervals, that is not too spaced out. You choose the day of the week, the time and the frequency: every week, every two weeks, or every three weeks, not more.
Valid for 6 months as from the first session
5.000,00 kr.Valid for 6 months as from the first session
8.000,00 kr.
Please take some time to read my Terms of service: you will find out more about me and how I work.
You can also look at my Philosophy of Accompaniment which details how I accompany people on their odysseys with wholeness and oneness.
Join me for an odyssey with wholeness falling upwards into nondual consciousness.
We will tell the story of a cosmology of wholeness where consciousness unfolds unto itself.
© 2025 Yggdrasil wholeness – Designet af Aveo web&marketing