Odysseys with Wholeness

Nicola Mary Christensen-Johnson

Air & Shyness

The Art of Voicing from the Heart

An Online Workshop

Saturday 25 November 2023

The embers of anger swell in a thunder of rage,

rising as

a flamboyant plume

obliging disobedient lifeforces.

The crimson blood,

carrier of sacramental life,

sputters spates of


crushed manacles of dependency.






Lumps of Arlequin coloured glass tumble,

down the shaft of golden flames

to rest,


on the bed of the red sea of Hope.

They wait patiently,

at ease in brokenness,

until tendrils of  love

reach out

to bring them back to life,

reordering the fragments into

a stained glass praising

Divine Mercy.

November Mists

To assist us in unveiling the powerful voice of the heart, we are delving into the four elements that make up the many splendours of life: water, earth, fire and air. The mesmerising mists of November will softly guide us towards the last element of this series : Air.

We will listen to the music of existence made audible through the flamboyant plume of fire rising into the skies to reorder the fragments of brokenness into an art form of stunning beauty. We will explore the gifts and wisdom of air offering fragile bridges between the invisible and the unfailing generosity which keeps us connected with the eternal breath. And we will bless the Shyness which tenderly wraps us up when we know we need to patiently wait before we fully declare ourselves and our love for world.

Then, listening to our heart’s desire we will paint on the canvas of life all the colours and sounds that praise a wonderful world and beckon us towards wholeness and higher expressions of love.

Practical Information

The Online Workshop takes place on Saturday 25 November 2023 at

  • 8.00 – 10.00 Pacific
  • 11.00 – 13.00 Eastern
  • 16.00 – 18.00 UK & Ireland
  • 17.00 – 19.00 Central Europe


Cost: 250,00 kr.

34 € – £ 29 – 36 US$ – 48 CAD$

To sign up, go to the Webshop and select the date of 25 November 2023. You can sign up until 12.00 (CET) on the day of the workshop. After payment you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to access the workshop.

My Heart Is Inditing

The purpose of the workshop is threefold:

  1. Uncovering the artform based on written language which enables us to bring the exquisite invisible into a precious and cherished visible form
  2. Developing our capacities for voicing the truths that dwell in our heart
  3. Initiating an experience of inhabiting and dwelling in the imaginal realm so as to unleash the powerful creativity populating our heart


There are three parts to the workshop.

  1. The first is a sequence of words and music taking us on a transformative voyage of discovery
  2. The second is a guided writing practice following the waves of consciousness unfolding
  3. The third is a time of sharing, not about what might have been produced – and is usually largely work in progress – rather a sharing around the experience of being with others in a creative container dedicated to written language